+2 03/5612342 - 01022344701

Apartment 14, Building 30 C , Armed Forced Compound , Tosson , Alexandria, Egypt




why kayak is your logistic proker



Accelerate the procedures of customs in the shortest possible time from the date of extraction, up to the delivery or storage of goods.


Follow-Up Minute

Follow-up from the beginning of the shipment shipped from abroad and follow-up and the vessel's arrival in the case of incoming and follow up the case of export cargo in and out of Egyptian ports until they reach the port of discharge overseas.


Comprehensive Settlements

Hold all settlements related to communications, both secretariats of fines or settlements.

We are also the settlement of all letters of guarantee, deposits of (temporary admission, drawback, are detained) reported the sales tax and reimburse the government support for Egyptian exports from the Ministry of Foreign Trade.


Subsequent Review

After the departure of goods from the customs duties is the follow-up shipments, according to some customs regulations which require the client to do so.


Quality Policy

Dear Customer, We offer you reasonable price and highest quality services in order to avoid increased costs on incoming shipments or issued on behalf of the client.